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Recent lits from Fare-Jumper

Monzters srr rbrtyrejrtr/ what do I do. Heeelp. I run. You follow. Shit,. Past has frickin garbage monster levels of ads. Iiiii work at enterrpise. My ad disowned me baby

				30/11/2023 @ 4:00

Woo hoo! Don't tell anyone but I think I might be on the precipice of something big. B I G. We're talking a club with a backodoor. So cock a doodle too to you and a bowl a stwew. I'm outta here on the first glith . Couches couches couches. I've slept on all of 'em. What is your favorite super lotto draw game /? I'm partial to SLP but can be talked into a sctach or scratcher here and there.

				26/11/2023 @ 4:09