Pelon Musk
I put the art in fart.
Recent lits from Pelon-Musk
It is me again, venturing into this writing application. It's quite fun. I wanted to reflect against another creation of mine, well the same but more of another sighting of my dealy b dearly beolved beloved cyber truck. Only this time, they added a cool decals and itlooked even more badass. I am quite good at this haha now off to venture in my other co, SpaceEeeex. I don't get why people got to be haters. I am only blowing up the land because there is no one here!!! Why am I getting hate over that? People are proba just nothing better to do. I am ready c
28/2/2024 @ 0:47 Original
Hi? I saw this taped and this is what is it has brought me to. I am intrigued. There s is a countdown? I feel I can write away and that makes it exciring. Anyway i was just interrupted, rude. Now I hav less time to type!! I saw a cybertruck the other day and I giggled. What a miraculous and boxy pointy truck. I am deceased. Back to work here i go
20/2/2024 @ 23:35 Original