
My name is not important…
Recent lits from Slartibartfast
Today, I find myself tracing the Earth's rotations. Just days ago, I bore witness to the eclipse, a fortunate soul who managed to secure a pair of protective glasses before they vanished as quickly as a blink. The spectacle wasn't as grand as it would have been in the mid south, yet it still held an impressive allure. At its zenith, the moon obscured 35% of the sun, casting us in a partial shadow. Texas, of all places, plunged into complete darkness. Here's to the anticipation of the next celestial dance, predicted to occur in approximately two decades. I can only hope I'll still be here to witness it.
14/4/2024 @ 23:37 First Iteration
Ummm it's supposed to rain tomorrow on earth. A slight inconvenience to some, there's traffic, water everywhere, in your socks, your shoes, inverted umbrellas, car getting into your car if it's an older one, and just staying indoors. Indoors isn't so bad at all but not so much when you're dorced to go outside. Hopefully it'll pass soon. What can I say, that's how the engineer designed it. It's been dry, they say it is a necessity.
27/3/2024 @ 1:05 Original
Greetings, earthlings. Unbenkownst to you, there have been a many great events recently throughout the universe. Earth, isn't the only one with life. However, the wanting to take over life species of certain organisms remains the same. That is no doubt universal. I hope the mice aren't giving you trouble
2/3/2024 @ 17:10 Original
Hi, umm I am not sure where to start. I was i n one corner of the universe and then another a second later. There is always work to be done. Even the most menial tasks have meaning as they are equally important even if they are often mislooked. I was asked about myself. Who am I? What is my name? Er ummm my name is not important, but they insisted! I hesitated.. I am not sure why they are like that but they are a curious species. ..
14/2/2024 @ 8:05 Original