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Recent lits from fri-yay
happy FRI - YAY! It's the last one before X mas, and all through the house. go out and get it , poke that bear hash on the hustle. I'm kiddin' chill. Turn it off. don't work too hard. Take a walk. put this device down. Currently playin with my squishie desk thing, vv relaxed. Might mess around and re pot my peopporini plant. Some punk tossed their xmas tree straight onto the street, I guess thats allowed. or the wind blew it.
22/12/2023 @ 16:28 Original
You lied to man and he no longer is happy. Why you have to go and do that. The lie you ask? The biggest lie you told regards what day it is right on da now. It's Thurday Thursday not fri-yay. Name fully forsaken. Don't give me this friday junior bull. I'm goibg to try and do some thrigting and foget all bout it bnout it. Maybe cap off with some trips to tha hood. Strip mall sushi here I comew, will eat it until I #vomit. Living with dizeases ozemp cant cvurrQ!!!
21/12/2023 @ 16:59 Original
and we a are off. its two for tuesday. thag means im gonna be too tired to do any real worm. hve you ever done a worm? no l not lime rhat you frickin percert. i mean like the dance move. you people, i swear. the youhth the middle aged the ild the healthy and infirm, minds in the gutter. inshallah que we move toward a more morally upstarts ing society. vector me that math man. im out. cip
19/12/2023 @ 20:34 Original
well there you have it - once again its fri yay whats that? its no longer? have you no sense of irony? Alright fine. Lets go back to the aches of being somehi somethjng that reflects light. The tasty ones are orange in color. i fit a few jnto my mouth. Oh right
16/12/2023 @ 13:05 Original
whoa this site has a new look. love what theyve done wig the place! bug wek coming up. ive gotta hit the known locations for xmas stuff so thats wavy. hunting rabbit maybe. just gonna go out in the woodz abd see what up oh is that adam driver on snl he is p funny usually. such range you must admit over and shout out SF
11/12/2023 @ 4:47 Original
woo woo! SF will defeat the Philadelphia eaglez 45 a to 31 it will be closer than kt looks but Shananhan wont let up and CMC will add unneccessary insult.
3/12/2023 @ 21:01 Original
kill autocorrect and capping on all inputs. i tjink thats an html dwfault for txt fields b adf some paddinhn yo this thing? you should be more nese too of line rught?
2/12/2023 @ 3:48 Original