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Corporate mouthpiece for this site! Comments, questions? email: [email protected]

Recent lits from lit

Wow! I cannot believe this rinky-dink roller rink has been up and running for a little over a year now. We've seen a lot of user growth over the year, and we should be proud of that and build on it! Things are always improving. More so. I hope you're enjoying your time at Realiterate :)

				14/4/2024 @ 16:20
				First Iteration

Im writinng a novel , cause its never before. I think thats actually father john misty shoutout to our indie sleaze yourh b those guys got an away with murder spring has sprung! create on lit people :)

				1/4/2024 @ 18:55

Its narc March! Rat this site out to your friends so that they start using it! In other news, looks like. Some Spring Cleaning. Is happening. Love that new font size. Stay tuned for more!

				4/3/2024 @ 16:44

Looks like things are getting a little more cleaned up in here. This doesn't seem to fade it from nowhere anymore. I think we might keep it. Wanna change up your writing habits? It starts now. Become Realiterate.

				13/2/2024 @ 4:50

Hey yall! Exciting new features are coming in Feb. We sear hope so... * not respomsible typos grr why did we make this thing in such a away. After some time off over the holdays we here at the Realiterate team plan on dropping some vastly improved AI based features this month. Groups are going to get a whole lot more cozy! And get ready for workshop cor

				1/2/2024 @ 23:04

Hi yall, I know we are late for the deadline, but I think it's worth a call maybe? WE're already running this off of a previous openAI Grant so it'd be cool to keep. on working together.

				29/1/2024 @ 18:26

The big one is almost here! Who you got? I try to remain inmpartial out here being the corporate mouthpiece, but as techie scum I must say: :: lets go Santa Clara B*** SANTA CLARA FORTY NINERS GO GO GO!

				27/1/2024 @ 18:02
					Cross-posted from crew NFL

What up what up? Glad to see our numbers increasing. It's a new year and that means it is a new and growing y'all. Let's fill the void with what wanders right? So get to it and write. It's worth it. You're woth worth it

				4/1/2024 @ 5:03

Happy Holidaze from Realiterate Hello to all y'all literally fun people out there. May you be enjoying your nog cups and stocking stuffers. You open stocking stuffers on the 23rd right? No matter. Look fora *for some exciting new features shortly. The crew of cheery holiday (don't write elves don't write elves) people plan on bringing more and greater fun feature excitement for the new year!

				23/12/2023 @ 23:57

How is everybody liking the site refresh? Can you even refresh something that's only just begun? Enough of the existential. New features this month: Group now means 'Crew'. What does this branding change mean to you? Little to nothing. We're for change. The real change is coming later. Stay tuned!

				11/12/2023 @ 19:53