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Recent lits from skool

The hail stones grew to the size of golf balls. She did her best to get the front bay window on the ancient guewst house latched tight. She's *d been offered the place as a gesture of goodwill and request for her to ralx by an old friend. At least it was may, meaning it wouldn't snow. The house it'self was a small log rustic sort of affair. Her friend's father had been a t dentist who fancied himself outsoorsy. It was warm but certain piarts felt very unfisnished. *crash* the wind slapped hard against the windows. aThe lease on her st * regrettable BMW was almost up, which she was grateful for. She'd only got it to keep up with the joneses as * other young shitheads in LA as a late twentys attorney. She'd have to return it with hail dents now. She poured herself some Syrah and eased into the couch. She then plowed through a good waurter of Yeats greatest powems. She woke up feeling incredibly refreshed. The storm had passed. Georgina was so thankful to her friend for offering the retreat. She'd really needed that. The end.

				30/3/2024 @ 17:13

Tha campesinos upgraded my garden yesterday nadnd U cioykd not be happier. Thanks prop mgtm NMG MGMT! Big film skool today. Ke Lens story for real.

				23/3/2024 @ 14:48

Are all you kids getting through midterms okay? It is almost over, then onward to dive into more. Backs bristled against the layered, frilly path. Let's GO!

				14/3/2024 @ 18:25
				First Iteration

All you students out there. Ready yourself for id *midterms! It all rolls downhill from here. Down. Hill. Hooray for apples.

				11/3/2024 @ 15:47

This is why we can't have nice things. This slaps. I'm too tired to think of who thi s is. I'd be no good at trivia today. If I weren't so beat I might feel like dancing. I'm excited for the show tomorrow . HOpefully there is a spot to sit . I need that late thirties section. NO cap as the kids say. So that's what I've done for me lately. treating us selves to a show . I'll just shazam it. Does 1015 have seats?

				29/2/2024 @ 3:37

Applause . Wid * Windows chime. A pleasant woodwind introduction gives way to thoughts of lingering. It from there becomes a lot more martial. There are o are no solos nor anything solitary in the forthcoming world. One must remain in time even if someone once had some ideas otherwise. This hoeve * however isn't anything to mourn. Think of it like the seasons that repeat themselves. There's much calm in familarity. Think of it as suggestion rather than a set of demands. Feels good right? Easy does it k * now, a little goes a long way. Keep it up and hear this. There may be an award at the end? Be it a cookie or a medal

				29/2/2024 @ 3:22

We the people of the land linger in goop and grime. This is our statement of purpose. Less grime. We need to eat goop so keep it up with the goop. Goop feeds the mind. It turns lines into dots and dots into lines. Sway with me my friends, my friends inn goop. our goop Group. Goop comes out of holes. We crave goop. Goop.

				28/2/2024 @ 0:56

I've finally had time to review the Super Bowl ads. I'd been busy grieving the forty-niners loss. 1. Arnold S, State Farm ad. Arnold is and will be a crowd pleaser for another couple of decades, impregnated domestic employees be damned. A very relatable piece for anyone working across borders. We are all one humanity. 2. Ice Spice and Cartoons for Starry. Look, in these trying times I just want shiny objects on my screen. Also, this ad seemed to push the Starry narrative forward. Is it PSrite *Sprite's cousin? Did it get sent to boarding school? 3. RFK Jr. Ok I'm joking this is horrifying trash and countless minutes of peoples lives were collectively wasted here. Not cool. 4. Nothing else memorable. Off the top of my head. There you have it. My ad review. Shanahan is a choker.

				16/2/2024 @ 15:21

That one time we drove back home in one long session. The cheap CD-rs all seemed to flake out after the first track. They also hadn't been h properly labeled, being detritus grabbed hasitily on the way out from his desk. The only non skipping pirated work was dom

				24/1/2024 @ 16:07

Those sweet things. The new school year is upon o and once again the bookstory is that I betrayed it for amazon again. I can't help it if I'm lucky, Bob Dylan once said. That being said I'm not lucky but I was lucky even thoughthully its saf that fifteen bucks made a difference. Now gonna sit and wait on the rain roof over head as one has. Anyways woo woo RL crew. It's friday fri yay for me n u. Ha.

				19/1/2024 @ 22:04