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Recent lits from surly-pretty

There is a very special place at the end of the line for those who consider tipping optional for a lyft or uber ride. Lots of bonus points is deserved especially for those who retort -'would you tip at mcdonalds?' I'll leave that there.

				11/1/2024 @ 2:05
				First Iteration

Okay! Forty year anniversary is the ruby anniversary or so I hear. Anyone got a rec or two for song choices once the playlist is highjacked? There no replies on this thing so hit me @surly-pretty examples, emm in my life

				30/12/2023 @ 2:37

Thursday night and I'm out of Kirkland brand flavor water. Guess I'll have to go to the shops tomorrow. I like the green flavor. I watched rin * RAINMAIN rain main rain man the order day having stornk. stronk. halp me desperate

				22/12/2023 @ 5:17

sittin waiting a vodic vaccine eh ill take two reated augurd into a well might we be dowse drowsily in sticking

				14/12/2023 @ 20:09