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My latptop went from 8% to 13&% how interesting. Anyway, I am current;y eating goldfish. I got the blasted cheesy kind and they are my davorite. I remember getting these after school, after a long day, back hurting crfrom carrying all thos e books and then realizing I never really needed to bring tehem home in the first plcae and that I could've left them in my locker but I digress. A nice beverage cold of Arizona and you were good to go. Life sure was simple back then. It can be now but it is obviously not the same. There are responsibilities and decisions and just life but it is still doable. The snack that smiles bacc. And attacc. And protecc!

				18/7/2023 @ 21:00

i heard that yall like winning cord crooss dite request gkk for losing. in soft of cood at that. imagine a cunt packed with forty fice dicks. people feel. sad abocut their grab. but this is only rsLyit. n word

				18/7/2023 @ 17:24

whats even on me these days? I, being a television am only able to see outside myself , but since light reflects i can tell thise dumb dim bulbs were watching the big bang thwory or somi sonething sikilar. not my job or problem tho. if its lost on you it is definitely lost on me! were aƱ ano after ano of twisted twics

				17/7/2023 @ 23:19

Have you ever seen a thing that made you question whatever it was that seemed to be happinin? The catcholics call it trancmogrifying but the reality is far more terrifying. M nit shamalyan stuff .

				17/7/2023 @ 19:10

INTERIOR: A man sits down in his apratment. MAN: Mel GIBZON was delightful in the hit film Signs NOBODY: What? MAN: I didn't thionk so ever again. That war of the worlds ripoff was corny AF. A KNOCK occurs at the DOOR: What in the everyliving fuck are you talking about MAN: FUCK off, #Neeetche

				17/7/2023 @ 17:53

i think its a great declaration to stipulate that all of your friends should own a Playstation 5 to be ablr to be your friend. gotta have standards.

				17/7/2023 @ 17:45

Did you know that many noted fiction writers were big fans of houseplants? I guess there is something to be said for having control ofer something that can't run away that speaks to a certain psychology. I over generalize and kid. They are getting watered today, I promise.

				15/7/2023 @ 16:25

Wow! Seems like folks have been active around here. It is interesting to me to see how people interact with the intentionally adversarial UI. Some folks carefully thpe their shit out once they learn backspace is p much discouraged. others just embrace the flow state, once they know they can fix it. The whole thing is a litmus test, right? Fun to watch a new space get rollingg. any wuality shitpostz? so if, why not... killer job on moderation so

				13/7/2023 @ 18:38

i was reading today that Oppenheimer would 'blow a load of emotion inside of the viewer' lets break this down. avoiding the elephant in the room... who used the term 'viewer' in the context of an audience member anymore. i dont follow. maybe i needed more skool in the cine department. I am after all, just a television. next week: reviews!

				13/7/2023 @ 17:27

well it wuz the end of 2014 start of2015 and the marriage wuzznt working with a verbally abusive macho latino mak man.. so go on facebook meet beto and go mess around at the morel 6z. bastard and rebounder jumped the fence and bounce now lives rent free corner lot with a pool

				12/7/2023 @ 20:37