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Beware the Scammer's Snare: 1. An unknown individual suddenly demands money. 2. They suggest transactions involving Amazon gift cards or insist on the purchase of a particular gift card. 3. They request you to establish accounts with Venmo or Zelle. 4. Pay special attention to Zelle. If they're a stranger and they're recommending Zelle, it's a likely scam. 5. Question their motives. Why exactly do they require these funds? 6. Evaluate the situation critically. Does their request seem logical or reasonable? 7. If they display a sense of urgency, question their haste. 8. Request for a direct conversation with their supervisor. This has inadvertently evolved into a general advisory against scams. I hope you find some amusement in it. However, on a serious note, if anyone insists on receiving payment before issuing a refund, consider yourself fortunate to have come this far without falling victim.

				25/1/2024 @ 22:50
				First Iteration

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