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I'm sitting at my desk, atempting to suss out the stakes in the upcoming elections coming on Mart * March 5th. This is a rehearsal of sorts for the big one in November, wherein we get to decide of *on things like London Breed's continued ascendancy. Does she get to cement her legacy in SF (however you might feel about it)? Does she do the usual thing of falling up in the Democratic Party? So, win-win for her but that's neither here nor there. So I guess we have city council and councic and county council seats? What is this madness? There's also astroturf everywhere. It's a real Aliens vs Predator sitch wherein whoever wins, the common person loses. On one side, the techbro insurgency via GrowSF. They think in classic tech fashion they can throw a asnazzy piece of javascript on it and be done. Then there's the entrenched Democratic insitiution, corrupt as fuck but well meaning. Unpopular opinion couh * Chesa Boudin did a better job * But they Brooke is Lopndon's pal. Crony politics SF np way

				24/2/2024 @ 15:22

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