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The thing has all just happened too fast, ya dig? I guess I give up. I'm not quite sure what he was referring to. Oh wait. No, I knew exactly wha t he was talking about. It was the fact that he'd switched off location sharing about three days ago. Locatoin switching off is the equivalent of physical unfriending. He tried to consider reasons why someone might choose to become more private. It's not like Jaze didn't have a few burner phones that had proper forwarding setup. One couldn't help but consider that you could just apply judicious use of which phone to take where if you wantedto obscure your whereabouts in a less socially epxplicit fashi. Nah, this very much was a message being sent. Now all Jaze could say is that it happened too fast. He'd put it on his new side piece as the reason he turned off the share. Amely doesn't want people to know where I am, she'd say. Err I meant he'd say that's what she'd said. I would not believe that for a dollar nor would I buy it for that amount.

				6/7/2023 @ 4:56