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Recent lits from thomas

I love my puppy so much. But sometimes my puppy has a people problem. It's just a dog with a personality is all. "I Don't know you" is the pups call sign. Bark Bark Bark. She nees new material. But she's just a kid. She'll grow out of it. I hope.

				15/4/2024 @ 23:41

Misty was a popular adjective circa 2004. Short for 'mysterious' , it usually referred to some clandestine activity or another. Clandestine meaning of and or rea * related to leaving a storefront with more freight than you'd paid for. It was the mistiest of times. Does that help? Press four for more options.

				17/1/2024 @ 1:20

Could the dolphins work at making this into a game? I feel colder inside than these people on the tv must feel. From a rational point of view this is like the time my friend came by spouting quantum antenna bullshit and I had to think fast. Oh I'll read it up on it sometime, I answered. What is it with people from crystal towns? The truth is out there.

				14/1/2024 @ 3:09

what up yall its FRIDAY. Catch me relaxing and getting dollars t *at Lucky Cahnces Casino today. Then I'm going to eraat * eat Wendyz that right I love wendys princes out there. Gimme a biggie bag it is yum yum even though it is seven dollars now and not 5. The old bait and switch in act shun baby. TLDR; Wendys Wendys Send me those jackpot bibes.

				12/1/2024 @ 20:43

Okay lets try this again. Looks like Tona didnt feel like going just now. What is it about pups that cry and moan? She just needed a few steps i suppose. πŸ•πŸΎπŸ₯Ί

				4/1/2024 @ 1:01

sSo you're goibg to costoco today things u need. -- Food okat tell me more -- Pizza 00-- one chicken -- eggs -- veggies pepper -- bananas -- 32 below gear (* getting colesder) -- snacks -- you shop with the eyes and stomach there, itll -- oh La Croix shit yes

				14/12/2023 @ 15:33

'Your Driver is Waiting' is a first noevel tthat doesn't leave the reader waiting much. the brisk action means fthe work is almost perfectly paced. The bac sixty percent of the novel proved impossible to put down. That means a bit of time needs to be taken at the front end in order to get the reader to this exetended cis climax. Guns lays out the drudgery of the race to the bottom that is ride share driving. Suffering from her father's sudden death and mother's infirmity, our protagonist is a live wire . 'Taxi Driver' is of course explicitly refereenced in the CKNOWLedgements. Other than that, a really well balanaced first book. I don't want to spoil anything but the main story driver could be interpreted a few different ways, which helkps to layer an antagonist who at first seems to *too manic pixies rich girl to be true. Just read it, it goes by quick as it seems to be set on 200 word per page font setting.!

				21/10/2023 @ 13:29

powerball is today! 43 23 22 19 7 20

				17/7/2023 @ 16:00

Wow! Seems like folks have been active around here. It is interesting to me to see how people interact with the intentionally adversarial UI. Some folks carefully thpe their shit out once they learn backspace is p much discouraged. others just embrace the flow state, once they know they can fix it. The whole thing is a litmus test, right? Fun to watch a new space get rollingg. any wuality shitpostz? so if, why not... killer job on moderation so

				13/7/2023 @ 18:38

Life hackk - access your local community college for free resources. Or at least to print something. Lol. Who owns one of those things anymore? I used to, or there wasas a time wherein people worked in offices and I could do things there...

				22/6/2023 @ 22:27