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'Your Driver is Waiting' is a first noevel tthat doesn't leave the reader waiting much. the brisk action means fthe work is almost perfectly paced. The bac sixty percent of the novel proved impossible to put down. That means a bit of time needs to be taken at the front end in order to get the reader to this exetended cis climax. Guns lays out the drudgery of the race to the bottom that is ride share driving. Suffering from her father's sudden death and mother's infirmity, our protagonist is a live wire . 'Taxi Driver' is of course explicitly refereenced in the CKNOWLedgements. Other than that, a really well balanaced first book. I don't want to spoil anything but the main story driver could be interpreted a few different ways, which helkps to layer an antagonist who at first seems to *too manic pixies rich girl to be true. Just read it, it goes by quick as it seems to be set on 200 word per page font setting.!

				21/10/2023 @ 13:29