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well the nba summer leegue iz in town spent $130 on a saboniz jerzee at the lidz store enjoying the day like shia laboof

				3/7/2023 @ 22:44

happy fourth weekend everyone! i hope you are all going to be chilling and a little bit swimminng pooleing i love pozting now that they fixed autocrrect ln thus the ing!!! lolol

				1/7/2023 @ 18:02

From the Cuck chair, everybody else's calamari looks good.

				1/7/2023 @ 1:21

Well NMVRZ the Fantazy fooZeball seezon iz coming up soon. Marco fond o Napz iz in elite divizion with booze rdy mis Tim RVW and USA TCuppz he will miss playoffz

				30/6/2023 @ 17:09

Shia laboof iz not in the new Indiana Jones movie... steven Spielberg said no now fond o Napz iz going to loze the NMVRZ Fantazy football championship he iz a tuff divizio

				30/6/2023 @ 17:07

I was waiting to pcick up this Rx but it is not ready yet. I park on the white line and put my emergency blinkers on but I leave the car running. It is downtown and although there aren't as much people, not like before, traffic is still the usual. I check my phon, I look out, and I see this cyclist dri err pass by. I think little of it but I notice he looks rather suspicious. He stops in frot of me, circle back, stops in front , circle onces more, then pauses. I think, did he mean to go the opposite direction? This is kearny and it is one way... he pedals over to my side, the driver side and I see him reach for something in his pocket. I freak out and hit the gas pedal and drive away. As if I needed more of that. Anyway, I need to

				30/6/2023 @ 6:31

Why settle for two when there are three out there? When I was you sad, fuin age. Oh wehn I was that age I'd get up and pour myself a bowl of Cap'n Crunch. I got my carbs right and I got amped off the roof of my mouth being tore up from ... da floor up!! Pry pretty fun crunch party in mi boca. Anyways then I'd hop on my BMX. I had a bit of a shi - err shoplifters compulsion those dayus. days. I sti;l do. Now I mostly take things no one will notice are missing. Call it white girl at a sushi restuarant larceny.

				29/6/2023 @ 1:27

AS a shcolar I think it is inevitable that the internet will re fragment into enclaves. The noise of the feed is not what people are looking for. We want a return to the old days of the net. BBs type things you had to dial in to. Forums where, gasp, moderators swere paid in service of keeping a civil conversation going. Virtual locations wherein you respected other population members. I really like this enw new place because I get to not be assaulted gosh c. Is't it kind of weird that that is considered unusual? I think the text only medium plays a big role in it. Anyways, this thing has already really helped me to get the juice flowing. It's funn come on yal

				29/6/2023 @ 0:20

I'm currently watching the spiderman er uhh spiderman 2002 as I am cleaning and stuffs. I have never seen it in its entirery and I myst say I like it. I am not into superhero stuff excepet for Batman and that's nolans and emo pattinson batman but I am fogrowing a liking for Spiderman. Gonna do laundry now dry dsajhjskh

				26/6/2023 @ 0:43

Wow! It's been a great first twenty four hours here. I at once feel it is all coming together. Please bear with us while we work out the Kinks but it sure seems like smooth sailing so far! Let it out! Or keep it in.

				22/6/2023 @ 0:24