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I was waiting to pcick up this Rx but it is not ready yet. I park on the white line and put my emergency blinkers on but I leave the car running. It is downtown and although there aren't as much people, not like before, traffic is still the usual. I check my phon, I look out, and I see this cyclist dri err pass by. I think little of it but I notice he looks rather suspicious. He stops in frot of me, circle back, stops in front , circle onces more, then pauses. I think, did he mean to go the opposite direction? This is kearny and it is one way... he pedals over to my side, the driver side and I see him reach for something in his pocket. I freak out and hit the gas pedal and drive away. As if I needed more of that. Anyway, I need to

				30/6/2023 @ 6:31