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7th: The National, Laugh Track this release was a surprise to me. Not an unpleasant one though! Laugh Traack finds the National returning to form. This is a strong statement as one of the main disparaging points levied against them is well, 'formlessness'. Sure, they are accused of slander like 'being Taylor Swifts' backing band, but to my ear no one else captures the on *internal monologues of mid to late forties hangovers I habve havent had yet like t The National do. You've got to work to have lived in lyrics and arrangements like this. 'New Order T-Shirt', W 'Weierd Goodbyes', these tracks HIT pfo for anyone that kinda helped themselves while holding onto a dream and suffere suffering performance reviews into their solid thirties. I recently caught the band live, they played almost three hoursl. It was triumphant. Laugh Track recovers some of that joy and we should all be glad for it. Standout; The one with Roseanne Cash. Crumble. IF you don't get them, you don't. You'll know after two tracks.

				23/12/2023 @ 23:35