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woof woof, I had a pretty good weekend. Mom and dad gave me a bath! We went to the pet store other than the one we usually go to. There was a big retreiver and I was scared to go in so I rf refused but mom carried me in. She bought me a special shampoo with essential oils, smeled minty. She said it was for stress reflief! I am not quite sure about that, I m not stressed!!! I just like to bark. She also got me my snack and a shoe toy!!! TH I absolutely lv love it. I do like real shoes to chew, hoever, so it's not the same but it does the trick. I was show given a bath in the sink and now my coat is clean and shint shiny. I don't like baths but I like being or I like having a shiny coat. Make all g the other doggos jealous. I a going to nap now zzzzz

				26/2/2024 @ 21:05