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The melody of "Cheri Chei" is my anthem today, a tune that lingers in my mind, transporting me back to that peculiar day. I recall it vividly, a day when the dining hall menu was a monotonous symphony of pasta. Pasta here, pasta there, it was a veritable pasta fest. The only things missing were pasta-infused water and a pasta-themed dessert. But who in their right mind would introduce habaneros to pasta? That day, most of us were on the brink of gastronomic demise. I wager you can guess the culprit. Yes, you're likely to figure out who had the audacity to add such an excessive amount of habaneros to the pasta. It was as if we were having habanero with a side of pasta, not the other way around. My typing may falter today, but the memory of that day remains as clear as ever. To be continued...

				17/1/2024 @ 5:36
				Second Iteration