I was delighted to see the ticker continue to become more red. It didn't actually do that, but I was experiencing a sort of shaudenfraude synathaeshias sysndrome . That's fo you suckas. Don't fire me ever.
23/2/2024 @ 16:51 Original
Hmm, okay, why is that all busted? Not really a great first impression, right? I just have to install an annoying clock-watching JavaScript. Unfortunately, it's okay, no bugs nor any unintended.
23/2/2024 @ 0:14 First Iteration
I leave my house hurriedly and drive to the lot to get this apple fixed. The apple has been recalled, so I shall get a new apple free of charge plus a cleaner one. I park and head towards the apple store. I don't know how long it'll take, but I am there for 40 minutes. The new apple arrives shortly but is not in my hands yet. I walk back and find an orange notice with large letters saying "NOTICE: SCAN QR CODE TO PAY." I know what awaits. A hefty fee. I scan and reveal the information. I cannot escape it. I have no choice. They have me.
21/2/2024 @ 21:13 First Iteration
I throw on my linen khakis and lon g sleeved tee. This is the work outfit of the endeavor. Err, Endeavor. Its time to multi level market like no one has multi level markete d befopre. 80 20 Sell sell sell.
21/2/2024 @ 16:02 Original
Hi? I saw this taped and this is what is it has brought me to. I am intrigued. There s is a countdown? I feel I can write away and that makes it exciring. Anyway i was just interrupted, rude. Now I hav less time to type!! I saw a cybertruck the other day and I giggled. What a miraculous and boxy pointy truck. I am deceased. Back to work here i go
20/2/2024 @ 23:35 Original
What's New Magoo California is wet 'n Wild this week. I'm walking up these clogged Fillmore steps thinking about anything but the earth or weather thereof. Bank account looking weak AF. But I just really like handouts. It's the way things should be. Value in value means value with or withoiut labor. In this trust me. Candy.
20/2/2024 @ 15:28 Original
i just heard a gross new song on the radio that is sure to become an anthem among many communities. it is called 'Head Head Honcho' by Kim Pr* Petras and ill leave the googling up to you. it slaps! or sucks! :
18/2/2024 @ 18:55 Original
I just picked up Roman Stories and I am excited to crack et soon. I liked their piece in TNYer.
18/2/2024 @ 1:14 Original
Okay, so looks like you should avoid max_tokens on the new GPT-3.5-turbo0125 model. You learn some things the hard way. Just remove it from your request, that worked. Having it set to max_tokens: 8192
17/2/2024 @ 23:26 Original
I've finally had time to review the Super Bowl ads. I'd been busy grieving the forty-niners loss. 1. Arnold S, State Farm ad. Arnold is and will be a crowd pleaser for another couple of decades, impregnated domestic employees be damned. A very relatable piece for anyone working across borders. We are all one humanity. 2. Ice Spice and Cartoons for Starry. Look, in these trying times I just want shiny objects on my screen. Also, this ad seemed to push the Starry narrative forward. Is it PSrite *Sprite's cousin? Did it get sent to boarding school? 3. RFK Jr. Ok I'm joking this is horrifying trash and countless minutes of peoples lives were collectively wasted here. Not cool. 4. Nothing else memorable. Off the top of my head. There you have it. My ad review. Shanahan is a choker.
16/2/2024 @ 15:21 Original