woof woof, I just got back from a walk with my mom. I did something bad o today. Well, I personally didn't see what the big deal was but mom and well mostly mom was upset wt with me. She told me to use the pee pad and not the floor/tint tiny bit of carpet. I just don't know. Anyway, this is who I am. It's not a phase, mom. I just felt like it!!! Doggo impulses and I also thought it was funny lol. I am now snuggled back again on couch before I move to bed. Went on sve a few walks today. Went to bookstore and there was a dog park around and wow so many doggos. I was a lil nervous but it was an experience. They say there are more dogs than children. I know this is a fact. Anyway, Tona out. Zzzz woof.
27/1/2024 @ 6:48 Original
Beware the Scammer's Snare: 1. An unknown individual suddenly demands money. 2. They suggest transactions involving Amazon gift cards or insist on the purchase of a particular gift card. 3. They request you to establish accounts with Venmo or Zelle. 4. Pay special attention to Zelle. If they're a stranger and they're recommending Zelle, it's a likely scam. 5. Question their motives. Why exactly do they require these funds? 6. Evaluate the situation critically. Does their request seem logical or reasonable? 7. If they display a sense of urgency, question their haste. 8. Request for a direct conversation with their supervisor. This has inadvertently evolved into a general advisory against scams. I hope you find some amusement in it. However, on a serious note, if anyone insists on receiving payment before issuing a refund, consider yourself fortunate to have come this far without falling victim.
25/1/2024 @ 22:50 First Iteration
That one time we drove back home in one long session. The cheap CD-rs all seemed to flake out after the first track. They also hadn't been h properly labeled, being detritus grabbed hasitily on the way out from his desk. The only non skipping pirated work was dom
24/1/2024 @ 16:07 Original
Okay if we can agree on one thing it's that these gecko versus caveman tele ads are funny and full of biting social satire. Ok, I kid, I kid but the theme of the lizard beefing or rather not beefing with the caveman but rather not even knowing who he is is funny.
22/1/2024 @ 3:30 Original
Finally, I have recovered my lost edge. What shall I do with it? Honed during years of smoking telepole, my edge opens up a vast range previously on life support under the veil of many layers of cloud. I love it. Woooooo. Words!
22/1/2024 @ 1:13 First Iteration
woof woof. Mom has well she always takes me on morning walks because I need to do my business. It has been raining and I am not fond of rain even though I have a yellow raincoat. My paws get all wet :( Mom is going to get my me shhoes. So we are at park and this big doggo approaches. That's the bige biggest dog I have ever seen! I was impressed. Anyway, we walked around andt then went back home. I am sleepy right now and you can guess where I am currently. at. Yes, I am on my favorite couch in the whole wide world snuggled with my blanket. Well it is mine now. Going to snooze and then act cute and annoy my mom !!!
21/1/2024 @ 16:53 Original
TIME ALWAYS CORRECT DOES NOT REQUIRE ADJUSTMENT I suppose that settled that. I decided to not ask the easy followup , whomever had built this progudct desicded capitaal letts were necessary.
20/1/2024 @ 1:38 Original
Greetings, it's LittyMcTitties, already awake and active in the bustling city. I'm on the verge of securing this golden opportunity. I observe the meter maids, ever so subtly inconveniencing the locals. It's quite a spectacle, albeit less amusing when you're the one behind the wheel. As we approach the month's end, it's astounding how swiftly time passes, isn't it? What are your plans for the upcoming weekend? I'm considering a night out at the club, but I must also prepare for the hustle of the streets, to earn my keep, you understand. Well, we're alive and kicking in this wild world, aren't we?
19/1/2024 @ 16:24 First Iteration
Once there was this guy on the bus who started chatting up a woman. They seemed age appropriate for each other but they were breaking the main bus rule. Quiet. This isnt the Marin ferry jazz hour.
18/1/2024 @ 16:08 Original
The melody of "Cheri Chei" is my anthem today, a tune that lingers in my mind, transporting me back to that peculiar day. I recall it vividly, a day when the dining hall menu was a monotonous symphony of pasta. Pasta here, pasta there, it was a veritable pasta fest. The only things missing were pasta-infused water and a pasta-themed dessert. But who in their right mind would introduce habaneros to pasta? That day, most of us were on the brink of gastronomic demise. I wager you can guess the culprit. Yes, you're likely to figure out who had the audacity to add such an excessive amount of habaneros to the pasta. It was as if we were having habanero with a side of pasta, not the other way around. My typing may falter today, but the memory of that day remains as clear as ever. To be continued...
17/1/2024 @ 5:36 Second Iteration