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Hey yall it's Litty. Good korning morning lol. Happy Griday, it's a beautoful sunny day. Election day passed and well, there are aome things I dont like because it just tough out there and theres anlready enoug discriminated, ya feel me. Gonn hit the TL in a bit, and hit Oakland tomorrow tjanks t o good ol Bart. Gonna see the homeboys for the bbq, peace.

				8/3/2024 @ 16:25

San Francisco done had its power out this morning! It did at least aroung geary and fillmore area. Is PGE flexing on us? Did we collectively forget to pay up? to automobile operators: Intersections become four way stops to jog your

				7/3/2024 @ 20:27

Fatty Cakes ad and the Puff Pastries - Alien Babe. A total aien babe! The bright side of the gram is hearing of new artists and of the events happening in the city in one go or in one story. One of the reasons I still have it. I can go without, and use the webz to check out each individual site of shows to go to but I prefer this way as it saves me time? Anyway,I missed this one but I don't feel too bad about it .

				5/3/2024 @ 5:14

found this eerie qwet qr code at ccsf whatnis this thing yo holla at god but they dont say nothjng back right?

				4/3/2024 @ 19:56

Its narc March! Rat this site out to your friends so that they start using it! In other news, looks like. Some Spring Cleaning. Is happening. Love that new font size. Stay tuned for more!

				4/3/2024 @ 16:44

nom nom no. I eat plastic cause its tasty pht me on eoisode of my strabge addicktion. its clear going in reflekt plastic outward shimmering shibb hole

				3/3/2024 @ 0:31

Greetings, earthlings. Unbenkownst to you, there have been a many great events recently throughout the universe. Earth, isn't the only one with life. However, the wanting to take over life species of certain organisms remains the same. That is no doubt universal. I hope the mice aren't giving you trouble

				2/3/2024 @ 17:10

Pump Up The Jam, followed by Haddaway's what is love, oops lowercase. Makes ya wanna groove but I digress. The city awoke to faint showers, no storm yet but it'l happen. The opportunity a has been cancelled for this Saturday. At least there's Alice Glass to look forward to later! Esxcited about that. Figured they'd still do it regardless of rain but it isn't the rain, it's the high winds combined with being on the e beach, the pacific? Not such a good idea. no one wants to get washed away. I certainly don't. Not like that, I prefer boat.

				29/2/2024 @ 21:01

My puppy is cray this morning. It stand s by the edge then starts to slowly reach out toward my face with its forepaws. It seems like the little dog wants me to known that I could be murdered in my sleep as soon as I become invonvenient.

				29/2/2024 @ 15:37

It is me again, venturing into this writing application. It's quite fun. I wanted to reflect against another creation of mine, well the same but more of another sighting of my dealy b dearly beolved beloved cyber truck. Only this time, they added a cool decals and itlooked even more badass. I am quite good at this haha now off to venture in my other co, SpaceEeeex. I don't get why people got to be haters. I am only blowing up the land because there is no one here!!! Why am I getting hate over that? People are proba just nothing better to do. I am ready c

				28/2/2024 @ 0:47