yo fiund this flywr in thw gym justbwht is goin on here? seems cool enough ifk whag numbers are for tho. life is gella surprised like that tho. this he akm bladt from SF fillmore
9/11/2023 @ 23:32 Original
wow this thing runs now! sheank up some nuce css worl there k gotta sat. who knows how good this will get i. a week or two -- time for some hummus i starve witb lut it
8/11/2023 @ 21:22 Original
if you are joint us for just one month o write something Provicarive then please stay after. we will be assignment your first meant if you catch my drift. heyyyyy yeah. goodsong.
5/11/2023 @ 21:14 Original
Today's been a good day so gar. far. so when she arrived go the states, one of the cirst things she did was pack her bags to go back to her bome coyuntry because she didnt lkke it here nand mossed missed the food. i literallg err i mean s
5/11/2023 @ 20:50 Original
Wow, only four days left in this long month that seemed way fast. Let's celebrate Oct things. Remember Oco *Octomom? That's a lotta kids. She was way ahead of the curve with those gross lip fillers. Yuck. But to each their own. You can be whatever you want to bve under the guidelines in this great wide wonderful world. What is up with Halloween? Out here in the midwest I'm seeing the coztumes so much more inappropriate than they have been in the past. Whatever happened to Wizard of Oz type fits? Now it's all ghost or zombvie Kardashian . Shit, I would even settle for the good old days of slutty cop. But that's just a boomer talking into the void. Oh well. I'm on break from the accounting division at the potato concern. Kansas City looking good this year #NFL. Basketball started again too. Not really my jam though. And wht about these shootings. They can take my ... I'm kidding. I'm not a violent persons and you might not fuewg guess it but despite being middle aged non coastl and white you actually are free to take those weapons out of my hands. It's the christian thing to do. Blessed be the meek. Alright, these accounts wont receive themselves
27/10/2023 @ 16:19 Original
alright my people its late october and there isnt a Fall in my city. Review: Dungeons and Dragonz, chris pine one a gun * fun movie that reminds uou if a lower budget marvel entry, excet it is better because you dont have to worry about 40 other movies at all. the pace is put h perfect and theres only like 3 extraneous fight scrnes. all in all i gope theg likit it tonmaybe one sequel. or not at all. we need more films whrrein the actors rnjoy themselves and the story is wrapped up. no more post credut scens. thank you. what else? work, tidy house, gutm gyn and libray. cool i love realiterate pay me plz hehe
26/10/2023 @ 15:48 Original
'Your Driver is Waiting' is a first noevel tthat doesn't leave the reader waiting much. the brisk action means fthe work is almost perfectly paced. The bac sixty percent of the novel proved impossible to put down. That means a bit of time needs to be taken at the front end in order to get the reader to this exetended cis climax. Guns lays out the drudgery of the race to the bottom that is ride share driving. Suffering from her father's sudden death and mother's infirmity, our protagonist is a live wire . 'Taxi Driver' is of course explicitly refereenced in the CKNOWLedgements. Other than that, a really well balanaced first book. I don't want to spoil anything but the main story driver could be interpreted a few different ways, which helkps to layer an antagonist who at first seems to *too manic pixies rich girl to be true. Just read it, it goes by quick as it seems to be set on 200 word per page font setting.!
21/10/2023 @ 13:29 Original
Hey , long time for not to be postin'. Something really strange happened to me over the weekend and I ahev been turning it over in my head ever since. I was sittin down on a couch fiddling with a cracked cellphone somew err that someone had left on it. It had no case it i was of course locked so I couldn't discern the owner. I hadned it to the host, but they said that is was actually for a content. The reward was a % f gift card!
18/10/2023 @ 22:31 Original
I currently cannot sleep and I am restless but manageable. I mean, I am calm and that is good. I was hanging out with Jesus and Mary the other day. Which Mary? Who knows but it was one of 'em. I know sometimes they consider oboth to be the same but I digress. So I was out inth the mediterrarnean and Ico am ashore and see him and he says hi and introduces me to mary. We go to this arbnb and chill for abit. Let me tell you, the views were immaculate and I was in awe. Everything was so beautiful but as always, tehere was anintr intruder so we had to make our way out and into
7/10/2023 @ 6:36 Original