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Emojis illuminate your visage, πŸ˜„πŸ˜Šβ˜ΊοΈ Double kisses, hearty laughter, πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‚ A melody resounds twice. 🎡🎡

				3/1/2024 @ 21:20
				First Iteration

Hey y'all, how's it going? Happy new year!! It doesn't feel much of a difference, to be honest. Just gotta remember to write 2024, not 2023. That'll take a bit. Gregorian calendar, but time keeps going. But I guess it is good to be reminded that it's Earth's birthday. We applaud Earth for that. Or as SOMEONE would say, "Tell that to Earth!!!" Anyway, it is supposed to rain, which is good, but I also needed to go out and this little gremlin has to go out too, but I'll figure it out. Need a raincoat and boots for both. Now is the question of sustenance.

				2/1/2024 @ 17:45
				First Iteration

Okay! Forty year anniversary is the ruby anniversary or so I hear. Anyone got a rec or two for song choices once the playlist is highjacked? There no replies on this thing so hit me @surly-pretty examples, emm in my life

				30/12/2023 @ 2:37

hello what an interesting thing to see whow no delete and backspace that is ankoying af hehe i could see the fun in it however. lets goo

				28/12/2023 @ 20:15

Everyone power back yet? I had not been without that e lec tricity in some time. My PS5 is complaining avoout it not having been properly powered down. Pobresita! I'll never intentionally do that to you. Anyways, what would normally be a solid sort of writing day has yet again devolved into the old shit post. I've dusted off my fidget spinners to pass the time. I revel in this sorta clunk chunk nostalgia. Going to stroll with the pup laeter

				27/12/2023 @ 22:55

hey all -- is heaven a subdivision? i dont thikk so but to es ch their own. i got bitched at by some mucky muck in a golf cart. i have fistted distaste. back to my done

				26/12/2023 @ 18:02

I take a bite of thse sesae sesae sesame ball and put it in the fridge. it sure is chilly here and it aint the fridge. I turn on the heater and sit. I wxro scroll, rely reply to a gre fee messages because it is christmas. I hear a siren and think jot much of it but I see the cire fire department and the large truck park outside, the firefighters get out, I look out and panic a bit, I dont smell smoke. I did hear what sounded like an alarm? But the firefighters went across the stres streetz . Weirdz but i dont smll smoke maybe an emergency bc it is sf

				26/12/2023 @ 5:32

Happy Holidaze from Realiterate Hello to all y'all literally fun people out there. May you be enjoying your nog cups and stocking stuffers. You open stocking stuffers on the 23rd right? No matter. Look fora *for some exciting new features shortly. The crew of cheery holiday (don't write elves don't write elves) people plan on bringing more and greater fun feature excitement for the new year!

				23/12/2023 @ 23:57

7th: The National, Laugh Track this release was a surprise to me. Not an unpleasant one though! Laugh Traack finds the National returning to form. This is a strong statement as one of the main disparaging points levied against them is well, 'formlessness'. Sure, they are accused of slander like 'being Taylor Swifts' backing band, but to my ear no one else captures the on *internal monologues of mid to late forties hangovers I habve havent had yet like t The National do. You've got to work to have lived in lyrics and arrangements like this. 'New Order T-Shirt', W 'Weierd Goodbyes', these tracks HIT pfo for anyone that kinda helped themselves while holding onto a dream and suffere suffering performance reviews into their solid thirties. I recently caught the band live, they played almost three hoursl. It was triumphant. Laugh Track recovers some of that joy and we should all be glad for it. Standout; The one with Roseanne Cash. Crumble. IF you don't get them, you don't. You'll know after two tracks.

				23/12/2023 @ 23:35

I think I'll go ahead and buy a Chrismas tree I'm going to toss out on the 22nd. Let's do the whole thing, decorations, Star for mother m Mary , I mean all of it. Then I'm annmpncing a five point big old plan. I'll leave the thing on the wsi sidewalk for about a week, starting on the 20th. That is if the garbage folk come and pick it up as adverstised. Let's just plop it on top of our neighbors planetr

				23/12/2023 @ 23:26