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What is that intoxicating melody, the one that Post Malone lends his voice to? Who is the other artist, the one with a mane of brown hair? I first heard it in a quaint boba shop, the notes wafting through the air like sweet tea. Please, don't suggest a simple Google search. I'm after something more personal, a connection perhaps, a shared memory. I remember the music video distinctly. There was a scene that unsettled me, one where they forcibly pushed me into a car. It was an unexpected twist in the narrative, a jarring note in an otherwise harmonious song. I turn to you, denizens of the internet, in my quest for answers. Can you help me identify this song?

				27/2/2024 @ 16:45
				First Iteration

woof woof, I had a pretty good weekend. Mom and dad gave me a bath! We went to the pet store other than the one we usually go to. There was a big retreiver and I was scared to go in so I rf refused but mom carried me in. She bought me a special shampoo with essential oils, smeled minty. She said it was for stress reflief! I am not quite sure about that, I m not stressed!!! I just like to bark. She also got me my snack and a shoe toy!!! TH I absolutely lv love it. I do like real shoes to chew, hoever, so it's not the same but it does the trick. I was show given a bath in the sink and now my coat is clean and shint shiny. I don't like baths but I like being or I like having a shiny coat. Make all g the other doggos jealous. I a going to nap now zzzzz

				26/2/2024 @ 21:05

Hmm, well, the thing about choosing your apple is that the apple has to feel right in your hand. James chose the really green one. It felt like a softball. He already knew it was way too big. The target loomed, see what I did there, about three feet ahead.

				26/2/2024 @ 16:48
				First Iteration

The gathering was teeming with individuals, forming a circle for what they referred to as "The Word." This was a time for each person to share, to speak, to sing, to recite poetry, or make announcements - all in brief. When the elder's turn arrived, he began to speak about our duty to Mother Nature, our Earth, and the looming threat of gargantuan corporations. His words held truth. Yet, what I found most amusing was the irony of the one-liter Coca-Cola bottle he clutched in his hand as he preached.

				25/2/2024 @ 2:35
				Second Iteration

why isnt anyone using this platform for powtry or poetry green gables telloest nothung methunks a spire aped intention less fercious a clubbed foot of bat leaf

				25/2/2024 @ 0:37

I'm sitting at my desk, atempting to suss out the stakes in the upcoming elections coming on Mart * March 5th. This is a rehearsal of sorts for the big one in November, wherein we get to decide of *on things like London Breed's continued ascendancy. Does she get to cement her legacy in SF (however you might feel about it)? Does she do the usual thing of falling up in the Democratic Party? So, win-win for her but that's neither here nor there. So I guess we have city council and councic and county council seats? What is this madness? There's also astroturf everywhere. It's a real Aliens vs Predator sitch wherein whoever wins, the common person loses. On one side, the techbro insurgency via GrowSF. They think in classic tech fashion they can throw a asnazzy piece of javascript on it and be done. Then there's the entrenched Democratic insitiution, corrupt as fuck but well meaning. Unpopular opinion couh * Chesa Boudin did a better job * But they Brooke is Lopndon's pal. Crony politics SF np way

				24/2/2024 @ 15:22

I was delighted to see the ticker continue to become more red. It didn't actually do that, but I was experiencing a sort of shaudenfraude synathaeshias sysndrome . That's fo you suckas. Don't fire me ever.

				23/2/2024 @ 16:51

Hmm, okay, why is that all busted? Not really a great first impression, right? I just have to install an annoying clock-watching JavaScript. Unfortunately, it's okay, no bugs nor any unintended.

				23/2/2024 @ 0:14
				First Iteration

I leave my house hurriedly and drive to the lot to get this apple fixed. The apple has been recalled, so I shall get a new apple free of charge plus a cleaner one. I park and head towards the apple store. I don't know how long it'll take, but I am there for 40 minutes. The new apple arrives shortly but is not in my hands yet. I walk back and find an orange notice with large letters saying "NOTICE: SCAN QR CODE TO PAY." I know what awaits. A hefty fee. I scan and reveal the information. I cannot escape it. I have no choice. They have me.

				21/2/2024 @ 21:13
				First Iteration

I throw on my linen khakis and lon g sleeved tee. This is the work outfit of the endeavor. Err, Endeavor. Its time to multi level market like no one has multi level markete d befopre. 80 20 Sell sell sell.

				21/2/2024 @ 16:02