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Best side hustle ever! IF you are of a certain age and are even a mid REM fan, then you missed out if you didn't attend one of this groups shows at the Great American Music Hall. This tight six piece delivered on the premise and then some. I waiti *waited with tepr trepidation for 'Seven Chinese Brothers', my fave from Reckoning. The expectation was high as they shredded Harborcoat out of the gate. Dad and Mom swaying provided great energy in a room full of those that'd drop $50 bucks on a cover band. Shannon was electric, an accomplished actor fully inhabiting Michael Stipe, but make *making the role his own. That role has to be the indie rock *cough alternative* equivalent of Hamlet.

				6/2/2024 @ 16:59

New phone who this? Looks like mobile is much in demand and much improved right now. Sitting indoors on a rainy day I think I may catch o up on my PS5 and mezcal backlog. they say there's something called. work tomorrow but they allso say alls well that starts well. I'd say call up the homes but I prefer being alone usually. Mostly. Dreary . So what's a story anyways? It starts with putting the dirty laundry into a sack. From the sack things flow.

				4/2/2024 @ 16:46

woof woof, I have been into chewing things lately. I'm really into chewing shoes1! I just love to do so but mom an d dad didn't really approve andg got upset at me. I mean, I don't quite get what the big deal is. They should try it so that they can see how awesome it is. I mean, I have my chew toy but it'sn not the same as a shoe! According to mom, I ruined her mocassins. I mean, yeah I guess I kinda did LOL but I didn't really know it was frowned upon. Oh well! Mom taught me to not t do it so I will try. She said she was going to get me new toys for biting too :)

				2/2/2024 @ 20:56

Why are you so cold? For what reason does the air conditioning blast on this February day? Are you malfunctioning? Do you need some hot cocoa? Who did this to you my MUNI.

				1/2/2024 @ 23:28
					Cross-posted from crew missed connections

testing three two one okay so maybe water is bad for intel based mackbook computers. I'm not sure if I've fried it or if the big ass touchpad combined with my big ass hands keep throwing the touch event somewhere random. First world annoyances but they were our first world annoyances. Anyways the typos are more beautifu than evar intended on this thing. Retunr of the MACK book. Ok it seems fine now should prob drown it in dry rice to prevent frthe

				1/2/2024 @ 23:16

Hey yall! Exciting new features are coming in Feb. We sear hope so... * not respomsible typos grr why did we make this thing in such a away. After some time off over the holdays we here at the Realiterate team plan on dropping some vastly improved AI based features this month. Groups are going to get a whole lot more cozy! And get ready for workshop cor

				1/2/2024 @ 23:04

My mn man's for a heart like a rock cast in the seaaaaa. Nee nah, so far liking this one. I also like the original sample from McLaren,. I just finished the lecture, ab I think all there is to do is get ready. Bummed it's going to rain all week but even all that rain isn't enough. Will see the deal with the food right now, then got class and class hehehe hopefully it goes smooth. Outt

				31/1/2024 @ 17:26

So glad to have that sun back. Let me sell you a bridge. It lays somewhere off the old coast, what used to be called the Aleutians. Stop it, yeah I will admit it is in a little disrepeair at the moment. Nothjing a little elbow grease wouldn't be able buff right now , given a few months it'll be bridge as new, right? Time long ago many wagons used this bridge, facilitating many trades of mutual nea * near. benefit. What's really important though is that families made their names here. There are PEOPLE in this bridge ok. So many have crossed it. Appeal to long forgetting authorities and just maybe maybe they will swoop in with a real package to help with the up and running ness of all. Or sell it for scrap. There's a lkit * lot of rebar in there as far as the learned folk tell me. Again, the muscle will get you there. Figure out whether or not it's worth the outlay. It's back to the cafe's for me. This old guy lppking for siesta.

				29/1/2024 @ 18:39

Hi yall, I know we are late for the deadline, but I think it's worth a call maybe? WE're already running this off of a previous openAI Grant so it'd be cool to keep. on working together.

				29/1/2024 @ 18:26

Ok I am finally getting it. Alright distractrion free mode is super chill. I like only being able to go forard. Once you get yused to it and accept typos at life knowing machine there to catch u life is so good. Human assistd; LM are the future. Jeez I sound LLM thirsy, hold me back. But srsly this has the potential to be the dridge between obvi AI trash and fine

				29/1/2024 @ 17:22